CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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PS050 Gloves as personal protective equipment.
Explains in some detail the hazards and risks which gloves can protect against, and when gloves are unnecessary. Describes the sort of gloves which might be used in school science and how to identify them.
Image of gloves
Matched: Chemical-Resistant
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GL341 Gloves as PPE in D&T, Food and Art
This document explains the differences between different types of gloves and their uses.
Image of safety signage for gloves
Matched: Chemical-Resistant
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GL417 Dealing with spills of chemicals in D&T food and art
This guide covers the handling of chemical spills in D&T, food and art. The majority of chemicals used in these areas, are considered hazardous but, because they are used in small quantities only, do not represent the same level of risks as chemicals in science.

It also includes a list of items which make up a spill kit.
bottle of glue spillage 01
Matched: Chemical-Resistant
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MRAT - 117 - Drain & Sink Cleaner used in food rooms
The use of chemical cleaning agents to improve the flow through the drain from a sink and remove stains from the sink itself; many use strong acids or alkalis, others contain enzymes or hypochlorite.
Matched: Chemical-Resistant
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