CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

Administration - Audit Documents
Showing results 1 to 4 of 9
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PS008 - Portable appliance test machines
A list of test machines that could be used to carry out portable appliance testing (PAT).
PAT Testing Machine
Classroom Exhuast Ventilation (LEV)
This video from the HSE shows an example of a well designed local exhaust ventilation system that controls well, is easy to operate and maintain and has low running costs.
Classroom LEV
G254 - Health and Safety Maintenance of D&T Workshop Equipment
This document contains list of the detailed workshop maintenance that should be scheduled in D&T, including daily, weekly and termly checks. 
Hand whisk parts
G79 - Auditing H&S in a Secondary School D&T Department
This resource is made up of three documents:

G79 helps D&T or Art and Design departments to ensure rooms comply with relevant regulations and guidance.

G79A are checklists for auditing rooms and equipment.

G79B illustrates the required space required around machines and furniture in practical spaces.
Food prep area