CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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Acrylic Key Fob

A typical KS3 project, where pupils will glue pieces of acrylic sheet together to form a block which can then be shaped and polished. By adding a drilled hole the shape could become a key fob.

The MRATs below cover the predicted activity covered by a pupil in making an acrylic key fob. Including gluing the pieces together, shaping and polishing using machines and hand tools, and drilling a hole.

Shaped and polished acrylic pieces used as key fobs
Wooden Boxes

The resources below have been selected as those needed that cover the activities a pupil would carry out in making a wooden box.

Typically they will measure and mark out materials, cut materials using saws, sand pieces to size, glue pieces together and finish the wood using appropriate finishes.

Boxes constructed using hand tools
Lighting using MDF base

This project has the pupils building a small MDF box to contain a lighting circuit that is a base for a table lamp or lighting display piece.

The MRATs and other documents below are related to the construction of the box and building the electrical circuit.

Using light from base to illuminate acrylic
Mobile phone holder
This is a stand for a mobile phone, made using flat sheet acrylic, cut using hand tools or a laser cutter, shaped using heat and the edges polished.

The sheet can be formed using a line bender or vacuum former, to achieve curves or folds.

Decoration can be applied, such as paint, stickers or other components.
Acrylic cut and shaped to forma stand