CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

MRATs - Art and Design
Showing results 1 to 4 of 78
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3D printing Tool Tip
This short video takes you through the main points that need to be considered when putting together a risk assessment record for the use of a 3D printer in school.
Most of the information comes from MRAT 088.
image of 3D benchy 01
Bandsaw Tool Tip
This short video has been developed to support teachers and technicians in risk assessing the use of a bandsaw in D&T.
image of slide
Bench mounted sanders tool tip
This short video has been developed to support schools in putting together their risk assessments for the use of a bobbin, belt or disc sander
image of opening slide
Laser cutter tool tip
This short video has been put together to support teachers and technicians to work safely when using a laser cutter.
operating a laser cutter 01