CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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PS005 - Waste disposal contractors
A regularly updated list of contractors that will remove hazardous and other waste materials from schools. Includes brief advice on choosing the most appropriate.
Updated - Updated list of companies - 23 Jul 2024
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GL436 Policy for managing a kiln
This guide explains the need for a policy for managing specialist facilities, such as kiln rooms, and provides a template for the policy.
image of kiln
New Resource - 6 Jun 2024
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GL434 Vacuum cleaners to remove dust in DT
This short guide explains the requirements for using vacuum cleaners to control wood dust in D&T facilities.
vacuum heads
New Resource - 16 Apr 2024
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GL253 - Suppliers who are associate members of CLEAPSS

The individuals, companies and organisations listed in this document are associate members of CLEAPSS.

They are permitted to display the CLEAPSS logo with the text “Associate Member of CLEAPSS” This means they have access to CLEAPSS guidance and can therefore check if their goods or services are in line with our current advice.

Updated - Updated supplier details. - 14 Mar 2024
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GL424 Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
This guide takes the reader through the hazards of using powered equipment that could cause HAVS. 
It also explains how to assess HAVS and suggests the control measures that could be used to mitigate the risks.
image of havs 01
New Resource - 21 Feb 2024
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GL423 Lithium Ion batteries in D&T
This short guide covers the safety considerations that should be taken into account when using items that use Lithium Ion batteries, such as portable powered tools, e-bikes and other cordless equipment.
cordless battery 01
New Resource - 9 Feb 2024
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GL417 Dealing with spills of chemicals in D&T food and art
This guide covers the handling of chemical spills in D&T, food and art. The majority of chemicals used in these areas, are considered hazardous but, because they are used in small quantities only, do not represent the same level of risks as chemicals in science.

It also includes a list of items which make up a spill kit.
bottle of glue spillage 01
New Resource - 19 Dec 2023
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GL225 PUWER guide
This guide explains some of the regulations that effect machines and powered equipment used in D&T.
PUWER is taken into account in the MRATs and other guides, but we thought this may help to show why the regulations are important.
powered equipment 01
New Resource - 2 Nov 2023
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GL405 Monitoring air quality in D&T
This guide explains how to monitor the air quality in a D&T space, to help to ensure that users avoid breathing in dust and fumes.
image of air quality monitor 01
New Resource - 7 Jun 2023
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GL404 Noise Levels in D&T
This guide has been developed to help schools ascertain when to monitor potentially dangerous noise levels.
image of microphone 01
New Resource - 6 Jun 2023
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