CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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PS008 - Portable appliance test machines
A list of test machines that could be used to carry out portable appliance testing (PAT).
PAT Testing Machine
PS050 Gloves as personal protective equipment.
Explains in some detail the hazards and risks which gloves can protect against, and when gloves are unnecessary. Describes the sort of gloves which might be used in school science and how to identify them.
Image of gloves
PS052 - Lasers, laser devices and LEDs.
Explains laser classification and hazards. Describes the  lasers that are permitted in school and the range of relevant practical work. Also desribes common devices which use lasers and how they might be used in school. Finally, describes the classification and uses of modern, bright LEDs.
image of a laser split
PS053 Three methods of etching copper-clad boards
Explains the relative merits of three different ways of producing printed circuit boards by etching copper-clad boards.
Soldering stations