CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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DL265 - Model H&S Codes of Practice in D&T for Local Authorities & other Employers
Model Health & Safety Codes of Practice in D&T for Local Authorities & other School & College Employers - Customisable version
Primary D&T project
Matched: Coding
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GL039 Setting up a QR code system in D&T

This guide explains how to set up a system using QR codes for teaching and for technician use.

The code can be used to access an online document related to the piece of equipment to which it is assigned. The document can be used to present information for pupils, or to aid a technician in carrying out their servicing and maintenance work.

QR code for CLEAPSS website
Matched: Coding
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Futureminds 03 (autumn 2016)
In this edition we give you the latest on development of the new GCSE for D&T and overview of the latest training availbe from CLEAPSS. There's some helpful advice on workshop maintenance including sing QR codes. We provide a range of resources to support food and textiles and a project idea to make your own “motorised vehicle” in 10 easy steps as well as the usual health and safety updates.
Cars Project
Matched: Coding
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Futureminds 15 (summer 2020)
This edition of Futureminds has been put together during the Covid19 lockdown. There are articles from DATA, the Textiles Academy, British Nutrition Foundation, Food Teachers Centre, Learnbylayers, STEM centre, and Boyd Education. There is also the news from CLEAPSS and the smallprint.
image of the cover of Futureminds 15
Matched: Coding
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