CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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Futureminds 15 (summer 2020)
This edition of Futureminds has been put together during the Covid19 lockdown. There are articles from DATA, the Textiles Academy, British Nutrition Foundation, Food Teachers Centre, Learnbylayers, STEM centre, and Boyd Education. There is also the news from CLEAPSS and the smallprint.
image of the cover of Futureminds 15
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GL341 Gloves as PPE in D&T, Food and Art
This document explains the differences between different types of gloves and their uses.
Image of safety signage for gloves
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GL254- Pictograms for safety signs in D&T
A Word file which contains the most common safety signs used in school D&T. Individual pictograms can be cut and pasted into school documents or printed in various sizes for display throughout a D&T department.
green emergency stop sign
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GL335 H&S regulation and guidance for school D&T
This guide describes the legislation and regulations that are taken into account when writing CLEAPSS documents.
warning tape image
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