CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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Futureminds 16 Vision Edition (autumn 2020)

This edition of Futureminds is a special bumper edition - we asked people to write about their vision for the future of D&T. There are almost 20 interesting and different visions.

Please get in touch if you have any views on what you read here, or if you would like to contribute to a future edition:

cover image eye
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Futureminds 08 (summer 2018)
This summer 2018 edition has articles about drones from Airgineers and Skillsupply, 3D printing from Learnbylayers, the future of textiles from the Textiles Academy, food science from the Food Teachers Centre and the Institute of Food Science and Technology, how to make stuff and save money from TechSoft and some H&S tips from our small print.
Futureminds cover
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Futureminds 21 (summer 2022)

This edition of Futureminds has contributions about the future of D&T, novel project ideas, plastic recycling, 3D printing, extraction, food and textiles.

There are also the usual updates from our work, including about our move to the new makerspace.

front cover
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PS092 - Newly-built and refurbished school D&T facilities
This document identifies some of the concerns raised over new facilities. It can be used to help avoid such situations in the future.
space behind computer benching
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