This is a short guide explaining the use of a washing machine in a school and is a response to a number of helpline queries regarding the laundering of textiles in a school.
The removal of grease and dirt with soaps, detergent powders and liquids. Stain removal by treatment of the whole garment or just the stained area with solvents, bleaches and enzymes.
GL115 - Technician Services in Design & Technology
CLEAPSS frequently receives requests for guidance on many aspects of the role of technicians in design and technology, including such matters as job descriptions, pay and conditions and the number of technicians that should be employed.
This edition of Futureminds has been put together during the Covid19 lockdown. There are articles from DATA, the Textiles Academy, British Nutrition Foundation, Food Teachers Centre, Learnbylayers, STEM centre, and Boyd Education. There is also the news from CLEAPSS and the smallprint.