CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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GL446 Managing safety in D&T, food and art
This guide has been written to support staff who are managing these areas, and identifies the aspects that must be considered when managing safety.
There is a lot of information, and links to other guides and resources available to help in managers, teachers and technicians.
art room 01
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Futureminds 09 (autumn 2018)
This is a 'bumper' edition, with articles covering: mobile kitchens, wall painting, power tools, D&T projects, 3D printing, food resources, drone racing, textiles careers, competitions, and some H&S updates in the 'smallprint'.
image of cover
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FutureMinds 05 (summer2017)
In this issue we have a range of articles covering topics such as the new D&T GCSE, food teaching, online resources, additive manufacturing, material technology, robotics and some advice about safety with sanders.
printed headgear using 3D printer
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G79 - Auditing H&S in a Secondary School D&T Department
This resource is made up of three documents:

G79 helps D&T or Art and Design departments to ensure rooms comply with relevant regulations and guidance.

G79A are checklists for auditing rooms and equipment.

G79B illustrates the required space required around machines and furniture in practical spaces.
Food prep area
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