CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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G79 - Auditing H&S in a Secondary School D&T Department
This resource is made up of three documents:

G79 helps D&T or Art and Design departments to ensure rooms comply with relevant regulations and guidance.

G79A are checklists for auditing rooms and equipment.

G79B illustrates the required space required around machines and furniture in practical spaces.
Food prep area
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GL405 Monitoring air quality in D&T
This guide explains how to monitor the air quality in a D&T space, to help to ensure that users avoid breathing in dust and fumes.
image of air quality monitor 01
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GL055 Setting up a new room for D&T or food

This document identifies some of the important things that should be considered prior to embarking on the design and build of a new practical space for D&T or food.


image of new room
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MRAT - 169 - Artists In Residence and Other Visitors
Giving studio space to an artist in residence who may work with groups of children. Inviting artists and others into the school to give occasional talks, lectures or demonstrations.
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