CLEAPSS DT - Supporting practical work in science, technology and art

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GL115 - Technician Services in Design & Technology
CLEAPSS frequently receives requests for guidance on many aspects of the role of technicians in design and technology, including such matters as job descriptions, pay and conditions and the number of technicians that should be employed.
tool shadow board
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GL459 Lone Worker
This document explains why it is important to consider the risks of working when alone.
It should form part of the departmental safety guidance for teachers and technicians.
image of a man in a workshop 01
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GL039 Setting up a QR code system in D&T

This guide explains how to set up a system using QR codes for teaching and for technician use.

The code can be used to access an online document related to the piece of equipment to which it is assigned. The document can be used to present information for pupils, or to aid a technician in carrying out their servicing and maintenance work.

QR code for CLEAPSS website
Matched: Technicians
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Futureminds 19 (autumn 2021)
This term, Futureminds has articles about the use of Hydrogen as a fuel, the difficulties for D&T, Equality and Diversity, Design Ventura, virtual F1 in schools, technicians tips, the Tunnock Tea Cake challenge, and, of course, the small print.
Cover image of FM19
Matched: Technicians
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